NRG LinkedIn JOB slots



NRG has several LinkedIn Job Slots that we are not currently using. We thought this was a great opportunity to offer this perk to our friends at a reduced rate.

  • As recruiters know, LinkedIn is wicked expensive. If you post a job on LinkedIn using Pay Per Click advertising and the budget is capped at $300, the job typically stays up for 48 hours.

  • With a LinkedIn Job Slot you can keep your job up for as long as you want and the rate doesn’t change. Team LinkedIn compares job slots to parking spaces: you purchase however many you want up front and then you can use them how you see fit.

  • Not only are job slots cost-effective, but they allow you to post a job without being connected to the company or organization. LinkedIn recently upgraded their security protocol and the only people authorized to advertise on LinkedIn for a company/organization are people who are connected to the company on LinkedIn and have an email address linked to the company. This makes it harder for an outside recruiter to come in and blast a job out on LinkedIn far and wide.


$300 a week gets you access to an NRG LinkedIn Job Slot

We will send an invoice to you within 24 hours of requesting the Job Slot

We will post your job on LinkedIn for 7 days

Job Slots are available on a first come, first served basis

If we are unable to meet your request, we will email you within 24 hours