Reset your job search milestones


I can’t believe it’s the end of February already! I guess that means I need to clean up the holiday cards I have lying around our house.

If you launched a job search at the beginning of the year, you may feel something similar. Perhaps you have some items on your job search to do list that you haven’t tackled yet. For example, maybe you keep meaning to reach out to colleagues and friends you haven’t talked to in a while and let them know you are looking.

I’ve talked here, and here, and here, and yes, here, about networking. Maybe I sound like a broken record but I feel like networking is one of those things that a lot of us are hesitant to do for a variety of reasons and yet it can be a pivotal factor in finding the right job.


Re-evaluate your job search milestones.

If you set a goal to apply to three jobs a week and feel like you are applying into a black hole, switch up your goals. Instead, set a goal to reach out to three people each week–one person you know, one person who is a friend of a friend but don’t know yet, and one person who you don’t have any connections to but you would love to meet (your networking wish list). These can be people who work at orgs you love or maybe they used to work at an org you love and now are consulting and doing exemplary work. It doesn’t matter, reach out, try to set up a call 6 weeks in advance and get on their calendar now.

As for your goal to apply to three jobs per week, flip that to only apply for the jobs you are excited about so it doesn’t feel like such a slog in a few months. However, if you are excited about those three jobs, then go ahead and apply!


Set up a system to keep track of your networking progress.

I hear people bragging about the number of jobs they have applied for and it’s clear they have excellent systems in place to track their progress. Do the same for networking goals! Even if the person replies that they can’t meet right now, know that you never know where a new connection might lead.

When I did my big job search, it took me 87 networking meetings before I landed my dream offer. I kept track and I knew that the more people I met, the closer I was getting. Plus, I’m glad I know that number and can share it with you.

To do list graphic

Spend time reaching out to people on LinkedIn.

Paying attention to your profile on LinkedIn is a great way to get the attention of recruiters and potential employers. Once your LinkedIn profile reads like your resume and you have 500+ connections, reach out to people and see who your connections know. That might be a great way to expand your networking wishlist.

If you are a little nervous to reach out to that person you admire, spend some time commenting on their posts and researching the people they follow. Find a touchpoint that will make it easier for you to jump in and introduce yourself.


How is it going? What are the things you have chosen to track in your job search?

Email me and let me know (it doesn’t have to be job search related). I always love hearing from you.



On to the jobs! Check out all of NRG’s searches here. Thirty of those positions are remote.

Opportunities NRG is hiring for:

Follow NRG on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on all of the roles we are hiring for.

Let’s move,


P.S.  If you’d like a thought partner to think through your networking strategy or just want some external feedback on your resume and interview chops, sign up right now for 15 minutes with Kristin Saybe to learn how NRG’s coaching programs can help you.

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