In Get Hired we list the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest. Below is an archive of our newsletter, Get Hired. If you just joined us, don’t worry. You can get all of the content below!
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Personalize your networking
The idea of continuing the conversation beyond the initial introduction meeting is what I hear about most from bewildered job seekers. How do you keep the connection going?
What a networking meeting can be
In the last edition of this email, we launched the NRG Networking Toolkit to help you break through the obstacles that keep you from asking for meetings and expanding your network.
But once the meeting has been scheduled, what do you actually say during the conversation?
Embrace networking with this
As long time readers know, I have always emphasized the importance of networking.
In July, we asked our Get Hired readers about their biggest networking pain points. After considering that feedback, we created the NRG Networking Toolkit to help you break through your fear and resistance to networking and help you execute.
set yourself up for september
September is going to be big. There's always a lot of jobs at this time of the year. In this issue of Get Hired, we offer a few practical tips to help set you up for success.
70+ jobs from NRG and mission-driven orgs
In this newsletter we do the thing where we announce a bunch of jobs from our networks. Plus, summer is a great time to focus on networking. Sign up to have Naomi as your networking accountability partner.
Ask your friends these questions
In the spirit of encouraging connection, I thought I’d talk about how to run a self-assessment for your job search. Sometimes we can’t see ourselves clearly. It’s much easier to see our friends’ strengths than it is to see our own. Also, looking for a job is hard. It’s easy to get down on yourself. Use this exercise as a way to fuel your motivation and confidence.
Reset your job search milestones
Counting how many jobs you apply for in a week is one way to stay on track but there is another item to measure that's even more important--your networking conversations!
Has your network heard from you lately?
Use the holidays as a time to reconnect with your network.
5 tips to land your dream job and Happy Groundhog Day! 🦫
While Groundhog Day is one of my favorite holidays, it’s not that helpful of an example for your job search. First off, please know that most likely landing your dream job will require some work. Here 5 tips that will keep you grounded during the beginning of your search.
Everyone loves holiday cards!
Use this time of year to connect with your network. Holiday cards are great!
Spring cleaning tips for the job search
Sharing my tips for doing “spring cleaning” when it comes to your job search
Tips: Keeping your network from going stale
The key is finding ways to keep people thinking about you.
How to strengthen your network at the end of the year
Getting a job is all about network, network, network