In Get Hired we list the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest. Below is an archive of our newsletter, Get Hired. If you just joined us, don’t worry. You can get all of the content below!
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Before you apply
Before you hit apply, check out these suggestions. Plus, an opportunity to revise your resume in a small group.
Over 70 Opportunities
Today, we are opening up the newsletter to other organizations in our networks to advertise their jobs. We are advertising these roles in early September because we know people are starting to seek out their next opportunity. Maybe, just maybe, your next role is on this list.
70+ jobs from NRG and mission-driven orgs
In this newsletter we do the thing where we announce a bunch of jobs from our networks. Plus, summer is a great time to focus on networking. Sign up to have Naomi as your networking accountability partner.
70+ jobs from mission-driven orgs
About once per quarter, we advertise jobs from mission-driven organizations to help spread the word and so that you can find a job you love. Check out more than 70 opportunities here! Plus, we have some insights from our survey about working with recruiters.
Lots of opportunities
This week we are highlighting 60+ opportunities from NRG and mission-driven organizations.
Check out these 63 opportunities
In addition to NRG’s jobs, we have 43 additional jobs with mission-driven organizations for you to take a look at. Plus, this is peak time for job hunting so plan your next two months appropriately and schedule time to devote to your job search.
79 jobs from NRG and orgs we love
79 jobs from NRG and orgs we love including Voices for Progress, Maine Conservation Voters, and Peace First.
Get Hired: 48 opportunities
Boost your network by joining the NRG Talent Network and recommending your friends for jobs. Also, 48 opportunities from NRG, our partners, and our colleagues.
Check out more than 70 opportunities
Check out these 70 opportunities plus 25 job openings from our friends!
Here are the 70+ jobs we’re hiring for
At this time of the year, it's a race to the finish line. It feels like crunch time at NRG. We are working with organizations that posted openings in December in hopes of getting someone on the ground sooner rather than later. Let’s get right to it! Here is a sample of the 70+ jobs we’re hiring for right now.
Get Hired: Over 70 openings this week
As we head into Rosh Hashanah, I am thinking about beginnings.
Beginnings mean change. Maybe you are reading this newsletter because you are looking for a fresh start professionally. If there are changes in your life that make this the perfect time to look for a new job, then I hope that you will search for a position where you can make your desired impact.
Here are the 138 jobs we're hiring for
August is off to a busy start here at NRG! We’re hiring for a ton of exciting positions – including fantastic opportunities in education, health, energy, the environment and electoral politics.
Anti-gun violence jobs and volunteer opportunities
Like everyone else, I just want to do what I can.
Any of these 96 jobs catch your eye?
Right now, we’ve got 96 open positions at 24 different mission-driven organizations.
Do any of these 63 jobs catch your eye?
I’m wicked excited to be hiring for so many organizations.
Here are the 55 jobs I’m hiring for
Dedicating this entire newsletter to all the amazing jobs NRG Consulting Group is hiring for