In Get Hired we list the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest. Below is an archive of our newsletter, Get Hired. If you just joined us, don’t worry. You can get all of the content below!
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Before you apply
Before you hit apply, check out these suggestions. Plus, an opportunity to revise your resume in a small group.
Preparing For January
Speaking of the future, I know a lot of people are rolling off of campaigns right now and looking for what’s next. That means that now is the best time to prepare for your job search in 2025.
Over 70 Opportunities
Today, we are opening up the newsletter to other organizations in our networks to advertise their jobs. We are advertising these roles in early September because we know people are starting to seek out their next opportunity. Maybe, just maybe, your next role is on this list.
DIY Career Coaching
Sometimes hiring a career coach just isn’t possible. Here are some tricks to implement DIY career coaching. Hint: find your people and don’t search alone.
Need help translating your experiences?
Recently, I opened up my calendar to anyone on the job hunt. My meetings have been interesting. I am hearing from more people who are beginning a job search for the first time in over three years. I also met people who are looking to make a big career change. I offer resources in these Get Hired emails, but my recent conversations made me realize that sometimes you just need to talk to someone.
The benefits of hiring a career coach
There are many benefits to hiring a career coach. The start of 2023 is a great time to get the support you need to find your ideal job.
Special offer: One-way video interview tips/training
You are invited to try out a one-way video here.
End of summer update: NRG jobs + coaching program
Highlighting the 72 roles NRG Consulting Group is looking to fill