In Get Hired we list the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest. Below is an archive of our newsletter, Get Hired. If you just joined us, don’t worry. You can get all of the content below!
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Salary negotiation tips
For a while now I’ve wanted to focus on salary negotiations as a Get Hired newsletter topic. I often get questions from candidates about how and when to negotiate. Here are some tips to consider when you get to that stage of the hiring process as well as when to negotiate at your current organization.
How to answer broad interview questions
When an interviewer asks a broad question, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are a few insights into how to answer those questions as well as some reasons those questions might be there to begin with.
What are performance tasks or exercises?
Performance tasks, or exercises, can be a big part of the hiring process. In this edition of Get Hired, we explore what they are and give an example. Plus, we have lots of openings! 28 of those jobs are remote.
Questions to answer before your first interview
Sometimes, employers want to see candidates think on their feet. We also know from talking to candidates that not knowing the questions in advance can potentially lead to anxiety. There is a way to still prepare even if you don't have the exact questions in advance. In this week's Get Hired, we highlight 6 questions you will need to answer before your first interview.
Free interview feedback
Check out these tips for your next one-way video interview. Plus, receive free feedback on your video if you spread the word about NRG.
May the Force be with you on your job search
In the latest edition of Get Hired: May the Force be with you as you learn to describe your superpower. Plus, 22 opportunities.
Not an April Fools’ Day joke: 10 tips to nail your phone screen
10 tips to nail your phone screen plus a fun idea for your April Fools’ Day prank.
Performance tasks explained
If you’re like me, then you’re glad to be on the other side of Valentine’s Day. I spent the entire weekend nagging my kiddos to complete all of the valentines. For my kids, creating those cards felt like homework. Speaking of homework, let’s talk about performance tasks.
The feedback you’ve been asking for
The feedback you’ve been asking for plus tips to help you stand out from the crowd.
10 Interviewing Tips to Stand Out from the Crowd
It’s hard to believe, but it’s now back to school season. For many folks, that means it’s also back to job hunting season! This a great time to dust off your resume, re-engage with your networks, and start planning your next career move.
It’s also a great time to hone your interview skills – and practice, practice, practice. The good news is that interviewing is something under your control; it’s a skill you can learn. Here are my top ten tips for nailing the interview process.
Special offer: One-way video interview tips/training
You are invited to try out a one-way video here.
3 simple interview hacks that will improve your chances
We know what it takes for folks on the job hunt to impress a recruiter.
How to get the hiring manager’s attention
And what to do when you do end up interviewing with the hiring manager