May the Force be with you on your job search

This is my kid on Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance at Disney World

We aren't a big Star Wars family, but I do love the idea of everyone celebrating May 4th as Star Wars Day. The movie always gets me thinking about power. The Force is a mysterious energy that gives its wielder power. There is also the lure of the Dark Side which is its own kind of power.  

One question I always ask people on the job hunt is: What's your superpower? I like this question during a phone chat as a way to get to know someone who is starting to think about a career move. My fancy Business School friends view this question as: “why are you the best, in comparison to everyone else, at what you do?”  

Hot tip: prepare an answer to this question. 


First, figure out what your superpower is.

Some people are self-aware and know their strengths. Others need help articulating them. 

Action item: ask 5 people who know you well to email you three things that you are great at. You might send an email like this: 

I'm about to start interviewing for a bunch of jobs and I want to articulate my strengths. Specifically, I want to be able to answer the question: what is my superpower?  I'm turning to my friends for help. I'd love to know three things that you think I'm great at. Please reply by X date. 

Doing this little exercise will help you feel good about yourself. Everyone loves positive feedback. You also get a bonus of letting members of your network know that you are looking for a new opportunity. They may know about an opening and think of you. Additionally, it will help you begin to craft your story and answer the superpower question.  


Second, make sure you can list specific examples.

When I talk about my superpower, I talk about being a great recruiter and connector. I talk about how I'm constantly recruiting and then I share the story of taking a red-eye flight and recruiting the passenger sitting next to me to work with us, which he did for two years. 
I also talk about the bench of babysitters that I have and how I find everyone in the neighborhood babysitters because I'm constantly meeting high school and college students who are good with kids. I get their digits for later.

Take my advice, work on articulating your superpower.

Keep building on the confidence you gained from getting feedback from your network regarding your superpower and apply to these great opportunities. Check out all 25 of NRG’s searches. Six of those positions are remote

Opportunities NRG is hiring for:

Opportunities NRG is hiring for in education:

In addition to this list, you can find more opportunities on the website

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Here's to figuring out your superpower and enjoying the power of Star Wars Day! 


P.S. If you want an outsider to give feedback on your answer to the question: what is your superpower?, sign up right now for 15 minutes with Kristin to learn how NRG’s coaching programs can help you. 

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How to explain a misunderstood resume


Where to look for opportunities: Job boards, listservs, Google groups, and more