In Get Hired we list the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest. Below is an archive of our newsletter, Get Hired. If you just joined us, don’t worry. You can get all of the content below!
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Preparing For January
Speaking of the future, I know a lot of people are rolling off of campaigns right now and looking for what’s next. That means that now is the best time to prepare for your job search in 2025.
Why people don't apply
We talk to qualified candidates all the time who resist applying to jobs they are excited about. In this Get Hired, we talk about some of the reasons people don't apply. We also want to hear from you: what holds you back from applying?
Mistakes suck. What to do next.
We all know that it feels kind of awful when we make a mistake, especially one that is public. In this Get Hired, we give you some practical tips about what to do if you make a mistake during the hiring process.
Your future job
Here are some practical tips about how to think about your career. Plus, a video from Naomi with her #1 job search tip.
What are performance tasks or exercises?
Performance tasks, or exercises, can be a big part of the hiring process. In this edition of Get Hired, we explore what they are and give an example. Plus, we have lots of openings! 28 of those jobs are remote.
Where to look for jobs (plus, enjoy the holidays!)
This newsletter is devoted to where you can look for jobs in 2024.
Where to look: Job boards, Slack channels, Google groups, and more
Job boards, google groups, Slack channels and more! Great places where you can look for your next career move.
Your search is about to slow down
This newsletter is devoted to what you can do while everyone else is on break.
5 tips for switching careers
5 tips if you are switching careers: how to make a change and still be able to tell a story of what you’ve accomplished in your past roles.
Your summer job search
Happy summer! This edition of Get Hired offers tips and considerations for your summer job search. Hint: Networking can be a more skillful use of time so that you can still rest and enjoy your scheduled vacations while also staying on track for your job search.
May the Force be with you on your job search
In the latest edition of Get Hired: May the Force be with you as you learn to describe your superpower. Plus, 22 opportunities.
Where to look for opportunities: Job boards, listservs, Google groups, and more
Job boards, google groups, and more! Great places where you can look for your next career move.
Performance tasks explained
If you’re like me, then you’re glad to be on the other side of Valentine’s Day. I spent the entire weekend nagging my kiddos to complete all of the valentines. For my kids, creating those cards felt like homework. Speaking of homework, let’s talk about performance tasks.
5 tips to land your dream job and Happy Groundhog Day! 🦫
While Groundhog Day is one of my favorite holidays, it’s not that helpful of an example for your job search. First off, please know that most likely landing your dream job will require some work. Here 5 tips that will keep you grounded during the beginning of your search.
Getting in the right mindset for a change
It isn’t easy to make a change. Longevity has benefits but making a change can lead to expanding your impact and network. Here are some things to keep in mind if you are thinking about a career change.
Yes, the job search can be scary
The job search can be scary. Here are some reminders; we all go through this process. Plus, 14 new opportunities!
3 tips for your job hunt
3 tips for your job hunt. Hint: one is to find a buddy. Also, 17 new opportunities launched October 2022.
How to use LinkedIn to get your next job
The end of summer can be a slow time to search for a job. But if you’re on the job hunt, spend these last weeks of August preparing for the post-Labor Day hiring rush. Of course, if you’re on vacation, save this for later!
How to land your dream job by Labor Day
Get started now! Finding a new job takes longer than you think.