Embrace networking with this

Now that we are at the end of September, you’ll likely see a lot of jobs popping up this fall in the progressive and nonprofit space. I have always wanted this newsletter to be a place where I offer practical advice for your job search.

Since I started this email, we have given you a ton of information about your resumes and interviewing techniques through previous issues of Get Hired. But that’s not the only part of the job search. It’s not even the most important part of your job search. 

As long time readers know, I have always emphasized the importance of networking

In July, we asked our Get Hired readers about their biggest networking pain points. What we heard in the survey confirmed what I had been hearing in conversations with people on the job hunt.

The Situation

  • We know that networking–connecting with professionals at organizations where you want to work and broadening your circle–can help you find your next role. 

  • From my own job search, I know that it’s about the numbers–the more you reach out, the more contacts you will actually make and relationships you will develop. I had 87 networking meetings before I landed the job I was looking for.

  • It’s like playing basketball: the only way to get closer to making that clutch 3-pointer at the buzzer is by shooting a lot of 3-pointers.

The Challenge

  • The number one thing we hear is that people are afraid to reach out to people and don’t know what to say. 

  • Many get stuck at the thought of networking and don’t execute. 

The Solution

  • We created the NRG Networking Toolkit to help you break through your fear and resistance to networking and help you execute.

What’s in the Toolkit

  • Sample emails you can customize and send to strangers and people who are already in your network

  • Suggestions of what your networking goals should be

  • Prompts to help you identify who is already in your network

  • Suggestions of how to think about and use LinkedIn to reach your networking goals

  • Timeline of when to send followup emails and sample text of what to say

  • A Google Sheet where you can track your networking goals and it will create sample emails for you right in your Gmail inbox

Note that full functionality of this tool requires that you use Gmail and have a Google account. In order to use the Google Sheet, you will first need to make a copy of it and save it to your Google Drive. This tool is free to the NRG Talent Network and Get Hired readers. We hope you find it useful. 

This toolkit is in its early days, so we’d love to know if you are using it, and any feedback you may have. Please enter your name to the form at the end of the toolkit webpage to let us know. We’ll send you a follow-up survey in a few weeks to see what you think.

On to the jobs! Check out all of NRG’s searches. Eight of those positions are remote

Highlighted opportunities from NRG:

This is not all! We are hiring for additional jobs and you can see all of our openings on the NRG website.

This session will be geared toward people who have recently started their job search. If you have been on the search for longer than a couple of months, you are still welcome! However, we will prioritize “new to the search” questions. 



Why you should attend: Kristin Saybe, NRG’s Coach, will give you practical guidance and resources to help you understand the job landscape among movement-building and mission-driven organizations. 

Here are some questions we answered at the previous Ask the NRG Coach session on August 7th:

  • What are some good job boards / ways to search for positions?

  • I’m struggling to find the right job opportunities; where do I look and how do I manage my time?

  • Any tips to get folks who work at orgs to respond on LinkedIn including recruiters and do recruiters look at transferable skills?

  • How do I respond to date gaps on my resume?

  • Is an objective necessary on a resume?

  • Thoughts on AI support like ChatGPT for cover letters?

We hope to see you on October 10th so you can get your questions answered.


 Follow NRG on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on all of the roles we are hiring for.

If you aren’t currently a member of the NRG Talent Network, consider joining. The questions take 3 minutes to complete and then we’ll send you job announcements when your criteria (salary, location, etc.) matches the position.

Let’s move,

P.S.  If you’d like a thought partner to think through the best networking strategy for your search, sign up right now for 15 minutes with Kristin to learn how NRG’s coaching programs can help you. 

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What a networking meeting can be


Over 70 Opportunities