Welcome to NRG's newsletter!
Welcome! In case you forgot, you’re receiving this note because you signed up to the NRG Consulting email list. We are an executive search and grassroots organizing firm supporting mission-driven organizations. I’ll also reintroduce myself -- I’m Naomi Roth-Gaudette, a seasoned grassroots organizer with more than 20 years of experience working in progressive politics and the education advocacy space.
With Election Day in the rearview mirror, there are all kinds of opportunities with some of the top organizations in the country, from the Director of Coalition Advocacy at Planned Parenthood to a Navigator role with Ed Navigator. The goal of this newsletter is to show you the latest and best jobs available, share tips on the job search, and let you know about upcoming events and things we’re working on that might be of interest.
Don’t worry -- we won’t inundate you with updates every day and we’ll keep it (relatively) short and to the point. And let us know what you think: What do you find helpful, what do you find not-so-helpful, and any other suggestions.
Looking forward to continuing this crucial conversation,